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Arch Linux

This section provides details of how to quickly install easifem library and run some sample programs (with default options).

Following steps are performed in this section.

  • Installing EASIFEM command line interface.
  • Set up the environment variables by using EASIFEM CLI.
  • Install easifem library.

It is recommended that you read (and follow) the steps given below to quickly install easifem. However, due to any reason, if you do not want to read the instruction given below, then just copy and paste the command given below.

yay -S gcc gcc-fortran openmp curl git python3 cmake ninja lapack openblas hdf5 plplot gnuplot doxygen gtk4 lua && \
python3 -m pip install easifem && \
easifem setenv -i ~/.easifem/install -b ~/.easifem/build -s ~/.easifem/src && \
source ~/.config/easifem/ && \
easifem install easifem

Build from source

Step 1: install system dependencies

First install yay on Arch Linux by following process.

sudo pacman -Syu
sudo pacman -S base-devel
sudo pacman -S git
mkdir -pv ~/temp
sudo git clone ~/temp/yay
cd ~/temp/yay
makepkg -si
cd ~ && rm -rf ~/temp/yay
yay --version

After successfully installing yay we can install the system dependencies by using following command.

yay -S gcc gcc-fortran openmp curl git python3 cmake ninja lapack openblas hdf5 plplot gnuplot doxygen gtk4 lua

Step 2: Install easifem CLI

python3 -m pip install easifem

Step 3: Setting up environment variables

easifem setenv -i ~/.easifem/install -b ~/.easifem/build -s ~/.easifem/src

If your active shell is zsh or bash, then please run the following command.

for bash or zsh shell only
# add to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
source ~/.config/easifem/

If your active shell is fish, then run the following command.

for fish shell
# add to ~/.config/fish/
source ~/.config/easifem/
Check your shell

You can check your active shell by using the following command.

echo $SHELL

Now, you need to modify the shell file by adding following lines.

Click here to to know more about the environment variables
  • option -i denotes the location of file system where easifem will be installed.
  • -b denotes the location of file system where easifem build files will be stored.
  • -s denotes the location of file system where easifem source file will be downloaded.

You can learn more about the easifem environment variables here.

Click here to see how to modify the shell(recommended)

If you do not want to source the easifemvar files every time you open a new terminal window, then please add following lines to your shell configuration.

If you are using Bash shell, then you can place in your shell. Open ~/.bashrc in the editor, and add the following line at the end of the file.

source ${HOME}/.config/easifem/
  • Save the file and exit.
  • Restart your terminal.

Step 4: install easifem

easifem install easifem