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QuadraturePoint_ data type contains quadrature points and corresponding weight. This data type is helpful in calculating the element shape data and finite element matrix and vector.


The structure of this data type is given by:

TYPE :: QuadraturePoint_
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE :: Points( :, : )
INTEGER( I4B ) :: tXi = 0
END TYPE QuadraturePoint_

The number of rows in Points is tXi+1, and the number of columns in Points is equal to the number of quadrature points.

  • Points(1:tXi, :) denotes the quadrature points.
  • Points(tXi+1, :) denotes the weights.
  • In 1D tXi is 1
  • In 2D tXi is 2
  • In 3D tXi is 3


Currently, easifem provides following quadrature points:

Legendre polynomial based

  • GaussLegendre
  • GaussLegendreLobatto
  • GaussLegendreRadau
  • GaussLegendreRadauLeft
  • GaussLegendreRadauRight

Chebyshev polynomial based

  • GaussChebyshev
  • GaussChebyshevLobatto
  • GaussChebyshevRadau
  • GaussChebyshevRadauLeft
  • GaussChebyshevRadauRight

Jacobi polynomial based

  • GaussJacobi
  • GaussJacobiLobatto
  • GaussJacobiRadau
  • GaussJacobiRadauLeft
  • GaussJacobiRadauRight

Ultraspherical polynomial based

  • GaussUltraSpherical
  • GaussUltraSphericalLobatto
  • GaussUltraSphericalRadau
  • GaussUltraSphericalRadauLeft
  • GaussUltraSphericalRadauRight
